Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Nle Practice Exams

  • The mother asks the nurse if the treatment given to her son is effective. What would be the appropriate response of the nurse? The nurse is caring to a child client who is receiving tetracycline. The nurse is aware that in taking this medication, it...

  • Read more here. The Latin V-VI exam contains two Latin passages as the basis for questions on grammar, comprehension, historical background, classical literature, and literary devices. The philosophy of the National Latin Exam is predicated on...
  • The Registered Nurse caring for the client C. What initial action is best for the nurse to take? Which is true about informed consent? A mother in labor told the nurse that she was expecting that her baby has no chance to survive and expects that the baby will be born dead. The mother accepts the fate of the baby and informs the nurse that when the baby is born and requires resuscitation, the mother refuses any treatment to her baby and expresses hostility toward the nurse while the pediatric team is taking care of the baby. The nurse is legally obligated to: A. The hospitalized client with a chronic cough is scheduled for bronchoscopy. The client asks the nurse for details of the procedure and demands an explanation why the process of informed consent is necessary.
  • The nurse responds that informed consent means: A. A hospitalized client with severe necrotizing ulcer of the lower leg is schedule for an amputation. The client tells the nurse that he will not sign the consent form and he does not want any surgery or treatment because of religious beliefs about reincarnation. What is the role of the RN?
  • A male client is brought to the emergency department D. Wire cutters. While monitoring the client, the nurse suspects increasing intracranial pressure when: A mother is in the third stage of labor. Which of the following signs will help the nurse determine the signs of A. Client is oriented when aroused from sleep, and goes placental separation? The uterus becomes globular.
  • Client refuses dinner because of anorexia. The umbilical cord is shortened. Pulse is increased from with occasional skipped C. The fundus appears at the introitus. Mucoid discharge is increased. The nurse is conducting a lecture to a class of nursing After therapy with the thrombolytic alteplase t-PA. Which of the following statement by the nurse js correct? The spouse, but not the rest of the family, may override B. Change in level of consciousness and headache. An advance directive is required for a do not resuscitate D. A durable power of attorney, a form of advance directive, A client who undergone left nephrectomy has a large may only be held by a blood relative. Which of the following nursing action will D. The advance directive may be enforced even in the face facilitate deep breathing and coughing?
  • Push fluid administration to loosen respiratory secretions. A client diagnosed with schizophrenia is shouting and B. Have the client lie on the unaffected side. Maintain the client in high Fowlers position. What is the appropriate nursing D. Coordinate breathing and coughing exercise with intervention? Tell the client that he cannot bang on the door. The community nurse is teaching the group of mothers B.
  • Ignore this behavior. Escort the client going back into the room. Which characteristics are typical of the cervical mucus D. Ask the client to move away from the door. Which of the following action is an accurate tracheal A. Absence of ferning. Thin, clear, good spinnbarkeit. Thick, cloudy. Yellow and sticky. A client with ruptured appendix had surgery an hour ago insertion.
  • The nurse placed C. Facilitate movement and reduce complications from withdrawal. Fully aerate the lungs. The clients jaw and cheekbone is sutured and wired. Splint the wound. The nurse anticipates that the most important thing that must D. Promote drainage and prevent subdiaphragmatic be ready at the bedside is: abscesses. Which of the following will best describe a management A. Stand with legs apart and touch hands to floor three times function? Ten minutes of walking per day with an emphasis on good A. Writing a letter to the editor of a nursing journal. Ten minutes of swimming or leg kicking in pool per day. Directing and evaluating nursing staff members. Pelvic rock exercise and squats three times a day. Explaining medication side effects to a client. A client with obsessive-compulsive behavior is admitted The parents of an infant client ask the nurse to teach in the psychiatric unit. The nurse taking care of the client them how to administer Cortisporin eye drops.
  • The nurse is knows that the primary treatment goal is to: correct in advising the parents to place the drops: A. Provide distraction. In the middle of the lower conjunctival sac of the infants B. Support but limit the behavior. Directly onto the infants sclera. Point out the behavior. In the outer canthus of the infants eye. In the inner canthus of the infants eye. After ileostomy, the nurse expects that the drainage appliance will be applied to the stoma: The nurse is assessing on the client who is admitted due to vehicle accident.
  • Which of the following findings will help A. When the client is able to begin self-care procedures. In the operating room after the ileostomy procedure. Frank blood on the clothing. After the ileostomy begins to function. Thirst and restlessness. A female client who has a day menstrual cycle asks D. Confusion and altered of consciousness. What will be the best nursing response? The nurse is completing an assessment to a newborn baby boy. The nurse observes that the skin of the newborn is A. It is impossible to determine the fertile period reliably. So it dry and flaking and there are several areas of an apparent is best to assume that a woman is always fertile. The nurse charts this as: B. In a day cycle, ovulation occurs at or about day The egg lives for about 24 hours and the sperm live for about A. Icterus neonatorum 72 hours. The fertile period would be approximately between B. Multiple hemangiomas day 11 and day Erythema toxicum C. Milia The egg lives for about 72 hours and the sperm live for about 24 hours.
  • The fertile period would be approximately between The client is brought to the emergency department day 13 and After an hour, the client D. In a day cycle, ovulation occurs 8 days before the next has been declared brain dead. The nurse who has been with period or at about day The fertile period is between day the client must now talk to the family about organ donation. Which of the following consideration is necessary? Which of the following statement describes the role of a A. Include as many family members as possible. Take the family to the chapel.
  • Mission b. Philosophy c. Nurse Joy would give her which of the following instructions? Refrain from eating eggs or egg products for 24 hours c. Avoid having sexual intercourse d. Unconscious b. Which statement by the client indicates that he understood the instruction well? I will come back next month d. I will come back on Wednesday, same time, to read the result c. I will come back on Friday a. Dela Rosa is suspected to have malaria after a business trip in Palawan. The most important diagnostic test in malaria is: b. Urinalysis a. WBC count d. Which statement by the Nurse Maureen is appropriate? Incubation period is 1 month b. Incubation period is 1 week d. Incubation period varies depending on the site of the bite a.
  • Nurse Ronald notes an 8mm area of indurations at the site of the skin test. The nurse interprets the result as: d. Inconclusive b. Uncertain and needs to be repeated c.
  • The exam covers geography, history, culture, mythology, grammar and Latin sayings still in use today. Since the NLE is not based on any particular Latin curriculum, it should NOT be considered an evaluation of how well the students are doing in our course. Please email us for an evaluation if you would like one at the end of the school year. The NLE levels are fairly close to the levels of Latin that we teach, so our Latin 1 students will take the Level 1 exam, Latin 2 will take Level 2, etc. Getting signed up deadline: Friday, January 11, The deadline for this is Friday, January 11, Please email to us that you would like to do the NLE, and let us know the name of the person who will administer the exam in the second week of March such as a parent or other tutor. The fee covers all expenses involving the NLE except shipping the exam back to headquarters the day it is taken.
  • Other than that, it will cover buying the exam, shipping it to you, our time helping prepare for the exam and access to our NLE preparation website with study resources, and mailing you the rewards and results when they come out. Preparing for the exam We will send out our own NLE preparation webpage for the students to use as they prepare for the exam. On the webpage will be tips on how to study for the exam, a suggested weekly schedule complete with links to online resources as well as recommended library ones which will be optional , and some practice quizzes. We will also set up live review sessions over webex so that we can discuss the material together and do practice exams together. Diligence in studying for the exam will be up to the student just like our regular tutorials , but if you follow the guides and resources on the website, and also email us at any time if you need help, you will be well prepared!
  • Review Sessions Live review sessions begin on January 11, and continue until the time when the exam is taken the second full week in March. These review sessions are optional and will also be recorded. Review sessions all times pacific : TBD We would also love to provide review sessions for other levels of Latin. Please contact Emily Wells if interested. How it all works The exams will come to us in February; the teachers are not allowed to look at the exams, so we designate others to put them in envelopes and ship them to your homes. The exams will be administered during the second full week of March, and will be sent back directly to the NLE on the same day that the exams are taken. This system works best for the NLE headquarters, since we are spread out across the country. The awards and certificates arrive by the end of April, and we will mail them to your homes. Please see the NLE site for the awards — they have certificates, medals, and, for the upper level students with very high scores in consecutive years, dictionaries and scholarships.
  • It is a very enjoyable opportunity to study the culture that Latin arose in, and we always enjoy doing it so much every year! Share this:.
  • Ping Chavez D. There is a careful selection of subjects in the experimental group When Mrs. Guevarra, a nurse, delegates aspects of the clients care to the nurse-aide who is an unlicensed staff, Mrs. Guevarra A. Internationally well known experts which services are for a fee B. Those that are hired by local hospitals in the country C. Expert nurse clinicians hired by prestigious hospitals D. Those involved in medical mission who's services are for free In signing the consent form, the nurse is aware that what is being observed as an ethical consideration is the patient's A. Autonomy B.
  • Justice C. Accountability D. Beneficence Nurse Buddy gave Inapsine instead of Insulin to a patient in severe hyperglycemia. He reported the incident as soon as he knew there was an error. A nurse that is always ready to answer for all his actions and decision is said to be: A. Accountable C. Critical thinker B. Responsible D. Assertive Which of the following best describes Primary Nursing? Process of formal negotiations of working conditions between a group of registered nurses and employer isA. Is a form of assigning a nurse to lead a team of registered nurses in care of patient from admission to discharge B. A nurse is responsible in doing certain tasks for the patient C. A registered nurse is responsible for a group of patients from admission to discharge D. A registered nurse provides care for the patient with the assistant of nursing aides The best and most effective method in times of staff and financial shortage is:A.
  • Functional Method C. Team Nursing B. Primary Nursing D. Modular Method You are doing bed bath to the client when suddenly, The nursing assistant rushed to the room and tell you that the client from the other room was in Pain. The best intervention in such case is: A. Raise the side rails, cover the client and put the call bell within reach and then attend to the client in pain to give the PRN medication B. Tell the nursing assistant to give the pain medication to the client complaining of pain C. Tell the nursing assistant to go the client's room and tell the client to wait D. Finish the bed bath quickly then rush to the client in Pain Angie is a disoriented client who frequently falls from the bed. As her nurse, which of the following is the best nursing The immunoglobulin of the mother that crosses the placenta to protect the child is an example of:A.
  • There is a continuous bubbling in the drainage bottle B. There is an intermittent bubbling in the suction control bottle C. The water fluctuates during inhalation of the patient D. There is 3 cm of water left in the water seal bottle In obtaining a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity on a catheterized patient, the nurse is correct if: A. Clamp the catheter for 30 minutes, Alcoholize the tube above the clamp site, Obtain a sterile syringe and draw the specimen on the tube above the clamp B. Alcoholize the self sealing port, obtain a sterile syringe and draw the specimen on the self sealing port C. Disconnect the drainage bag, obtain a sterile syringe and draw the specimen from the drainage bag D. Disconnect the tube, obtain a sterile syringe and draw the specimen from the tube Which of the following is an example of secondary prevention?
  • Teaching the diabetic client on obtaining his blood sugar level using a glucometer B. Dina, 17 years old, asks you how a tubal ligation prevents pregnancy. Which would be the best answer? Prostaglandins released from the cut fallopian tubes can kill sperm B. Sperm cannot enter the uterus because the cervical entrance is blocked.
  • Sperm can no longer reach the ova, because the fallopian tubes are blocked D. The ovary no longer releases ova as there is no where for them to go. The Dators are a couple undergoing testing for infertility. Infertility is said to exist when:A. The correct temperature to store vaccines in a refrigerator is:A. This does not replace the progress notes; instead this record of information on vital signs, intake and output, treatment, postoperative care, post partum care, and diabetic regimen, etc. This is used whenever specific measurements or observations are needed to be documented repeatedly. What is this? This flip-over card is usually kept in a portable file at the Nurse's Station. It has 2-parts: the activity and treatment section and a nursing care plan section.
  • This carries information about basic demographic data, primary medical diagnosis, current orders of the physician to be carried out by the nurse, written nursing care plan, nursing orders, scheduled tests and procedures, safety precautions in patient care and factors related to daily living activities. This record is used in the charge-of-shift reports or during the bedside rounds or walking rounds. What record is this? Discharge Why is bleeding in the leg of a pregnant woman considered as an emergency? Blood volume is greater in pregnant woman; therefore, blood loss is increased B. There is an increase blood pressure during pregnancy increasing the likelihood of hemorrhage C. Pregnant woman are anemic, all forms of blood loss should be considered as an emergency especially if it is in the lower extremity D. The pressure of the gravid uterus will exert additional force thus, increasing the blood loss in the lower extremities Aling Maria is nearing menopause.
  • NJCL chapters in the U. The NLVE is designed to test a student's knowledge of Latin vocabulary and is based solely on specific lists of Latin vocabulary relevant to a particular student's level of Latin. If you have not read through the Frequently Asked Questions FAQ , we highly suggest you do so, as it will answer many of the questions you might have. Exam Overview This is a test of proficiency in Latin vocabulary nouns, verbs, numbers, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, etc. Verbs - questions will test a knowledge of meanings, conjugation numbers, and principal parts.
  • No knowledge of grammatical usage, derivatives, or other information is necessary. Only the most basic information will be asked. The administered exams are specific to the level of Latin in which the student is currently enrolled. Results will only be based on a comparison to other students who are also in that level of Latin. Solid memorization of the items and information related to the words on the lists will guarantee a perfect score!
  • See the preparation page in order to download the vocabulary lists. Exam Procedures Quia. The instructions are very thorough and will walk you through the entire process from start to finish. The exam must be administered on Quia. Students have 45 minutes to complete the exam. All students from a school's class or level of Latin should take the exam at the same time.
  • Any school administrator, counselor, or sponsoring teacher may proctor the exam. Results and awards will be distributed as soon as the results are compiled and awards allotted. The Latin 2 list contains those words which a student is mostly likely to encounter in a traditional Latin class that is preparing the student for Caesar or similar Classical authors. Bold and numbered words in the book are used for level 3. Generally, one may use the above source books to learn the dictionary entries for the vocabulary words on the lists. The Oxford Latin Dictionary will also be considered a source.
  • The other options are not critical enough to include in the report. Question 25 Which approach to problem solving tests any number of solutions until one is found that works for that particular problem?
  • Ping Chavez D. There is a careful selection of subjects in practive experimental group When Mrs. Guevarra, a nurse, delegates aspects of the clients care to peactice nurse-aide who is an unlicensed staff, Mrs. Guevarra A. Internationally well known experts which services are for a fee B. Those that are hired by local hospitals in the country C. Expert nurse clinicians hired by prestigious hospitals D. Those involved dxams medical mission who's services are for free In signing the consent form, the nurse is aware that what is being observed as fxams ethical consideration is the patient's A.
  • Autonomy B. Justice C. Accountability D. Beneficence Nurse Buddy gave Inapsine instead of Insulin to a patient in severe hyperglycemia. He reported the practicd as soon as he knew there was an error. A nurse that is always ready to answer for all his actions and decision is said to be: A. Accountable Practicw. Critical thinker B. Responsible D. Assertive Which of the following best nle practice exams Primary Nursing? Process of formal negotiations of working conditions between a group of registered nurses and employer isA. Is a form of assigning a nurse to lead a team of registered nurses in care of patient from admission to discharge B. Examss nurse is responsible in doing certain tasks for the patient C.
  • A registered nurse is responsible for a group of patients from admission to discharge D. Pdactice registered nurse provides care for the patient with the assistant of nursing aides The best and most effective method in times of staff and financial shortage is:A. Functional Method C. Team Nursing B. Primary Nursing D. Modular Method You are doing bed bath to the client when suddenly, The nursing assistant rushed to the room and tell you that the client from the other room was in Pain. The best intervention in such case is: A. Raise the side rails, cover the client and put the call bell within reach and then attend to the client in pain to give the PRN medication B. Tell the nursing assistant to give the pain medication to the client complaining of pain C. Tell the nursing assistant to go the client's room and tell the client to wait D. Finish the bed bath quickly then rush to the client in Pain Angie is a disoriented client who frequently falls from practiec bed.

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Persona 5 October Exams

[DOWNLOAD] Persona 5 October Exams A: Stars Q: Now, do you know who invented this instrument? Do you remember? A2: It used to be one color Q...